Grass fed beef cooking instructions


Congratulations on purchasing the finest grass-fed beef!

Grass Fed Beef cooking instructions:

              Grass Fed beef cooks much faster than store bought grain fed, in my experience about 1/3 less time. It can also go from medium rare to well-done surprisingly quick. So don’t walk away from the grille!   Grass Fed beef is delicate!!

-          A meat thermometer is your best friend, medium rare is 130 degrees.  I can’t stress this enough, the thermometer will pay for itself with the meat it saves.


Thawing meat:

Never use the microwave.

Thaw in the bag it comes in, place in a large pot of room temp or cold water and place on kitchen counter.  It could take 2-3 hours for a steak to thaw out. 

Or thaw in the fridge overnight in the bag it comes in. 


Cooking Steaks:


On the grille cook at 400 max and watch the steak closely.  Check every 3 mins with the meat thermometer until you reach 130 degrees.  Do not walk away. Cooking time will be much less than store bought Beef.


My preferred way is Sous Vide(water bath cooking) I realize not everyone has one of these but they are becoming very popular in home kitchens.

1.       Season steak

2.       Re-vacuum seal the bag

3.       Cook at 130 for 2 hours

4.       Remove from plastic and sear on hot grille 400-600 degrees( 1 min each side)


I have the Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Nano | Bluetooth | 750W – purchased off amazon for around $100.00


Ground Beef:

Grass-Fed ground beef is an eye opener.  Who knew ground could be so good. 

It will cook VERY fast on the grille. 3-5 mins per side at 400 degrees